The global pandemic has had a dramatic effect on everyone’s lifestyle and how things are bought and purchased. As a business owner, you recognize that these shifts are going to impact your total market management practices – from the supply chain to the introduction or extension of e-commerce. And there are details you need to look at to keep ahead of the competition and make informed choices.
New Consumer Habits

Customers are aiming at maintaining social distance, and now shopping online for an increasing number of brand new product categories. The pandemic has moved customers away from their usual habits. Consumers have started new behaviors and habits which most expect to continue in the long run.
Consumer Behavior Shifts and so do the Marketers’
As consumer behavior shifts and more and more consumers shop online, the marketplace will also shift to become increasingly competitive as businesses and firms increase to leverage on this trend. If your site is not noticed for relevant searches in web pages, or if the responsiveness of your site continues to lag behind your rival competitors, your competitive edge will be considerably reduced. This is the internet version of putting salt on an injury, in today’s challenging market environment.

The current scenario would have enduring consequences, one of which may be a steady rise in e-commerce with several shoppers hesitating to stick to the in-store shopping. In the immediate future, retailers will benefit by focusing on e-commerce as a primary distribution source and understanding how to boost the delivery of Omni-Channel orders.